Thanks for stopping by the Miami-Dade Chapter of the Florida A&M University National Alumni Association!

Our Chapter’s Constitution and Bylaws
(Last Revision 05/03/2020)

The Miami-Dade Chapter of the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University National Alumni Association is a long standing pillar of the South Florida community. The chapter is home to many city representatives, law enforcement agents, educators and business officials.

The chapter has garnered many accolades through the years and is proud to be named the first “Chapter of the Year” by the FAMU National Alumni Association. This award was also won again by the chapter in 2019! Our members have effectively served as advocates, supporters and ambassadors for the University.

Our goals include assisting in the assurance of the preservation of FAMU as a distinguished, world class institution of higher education. As a direct support organization for the University, we continue to provide financial support via various fundraising campaigns, scholarship funds and athletic programs. Notably, many chapter members also make individual contributions directly to the FAMU Boosters and FAMU Foundation.

The Miami-Dade Chapter actively recruits students from the South Florida area by maintaining a partnership with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools College Assistance Program, presenting and participating in local college fairs.

Greetings FAMUly:

The FAMU NAA Miami Dade Chapter’s call to action is loud and clear – “Ain’t no stopping us now, we’re on the move!” The Miami Dade Chapter has a strong foundation, within the NAA and in our community. Our objectives during this 2023-2025 term, include:
Strategically partnering with our local school system and Junior college, in identifying those students that have FAMU on their radar. This will include quarterly recruitment roundtable sessions, with the FAMU office of Admissions and Office Transfer students.
Initiate strategic fundraising initiatives that will enable us to award scholarships on a continuous basis, donate funds to the university in support of its programs.
Participate and partner with local community and faith-based organizations.
Maintain, reclaim and recruit Miami Dade Alumni
Come join a group of enthusiastically energized and motivated alumni. As a member of the Miami Dade Chapter, you will have the opportunity to participate on various committees, meet and fellowship with other Rattlers, assist in our scholarship fund raising activities. Most importantly by becoming a member YOU are paying it forward for the next generation of Rattlers.
To our membership, thank you for your time, energy and support of our Miami-Dade Chapter. To those members of the FAMUly who have not yet joined, we await your arrival!
In the Rattler spirit, the Miami-Dade chapter will continue to STRIKE!
Miranda Y. Albury, President
FAMU NAA Miami Dade Chapter

Executive Committee (2023-2024)

President – Miranda Albury
Vice-President & Scholarship Chair – Ron Butler
Recording Secretary – Althea Coleman
Corresponding Secretary – Velvatia H. “Tia” Wanton
Treasurer – Landry Johnson
Financial Secretary – Nicketris Mandela
Publicity Director – Chazré A. Hill
Parliamentarian – Tiffany K. Bain
Chaplain – Brigette Moody
Membership Chair – Romania Wilson
Gov’t Relations Chair – Dr. Cassandra Arnold
Immediate Past President – Masekela Mandela II

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